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Dog Friendly National Parks

Dog Friendly National Parks

We all love to spend time with our dogs for so many reasons. They bring us joy, companionship, and nothing is more therapeutic than a pet. However spending time in nature at one of your favorite National Parks can be very therapeutic as well. But can we bring mans best friend, specifically our best friend -- our dog, with us?
The short answer is yes, but there are limits. It's important to remember that our national parks are surrounded by all kinds of of crucial eco systems that are fragile and can easily be damaged. National Parks allow you to bring your dogs with a leash and in certain areas. Trail areas that go through wilderness are off limits. So which are the parks that you can bring your dog? Let's look at 20 parks that your dog can visit and have a range of privileges.
*All parks have links with more details. 
Dogs Allowed in Developed Areas and Campgrounds:

Death Valley, Joshua Tree, Sequoia and Kings Canyon, and Yosemite but not allowed in camp areas that are walk-in.
Montana & Wyoming:
South Dakota:
Dogs Allowed in Select Areas and Trails:

Dogs Allowed Everywhere:

South Carolina: 
Whichever park you choose to bring your best bud to, make sure to care after your dog and the national park eco system your in. Always clean up after your pet.

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